Echoes in the Beartooths: A Haunting Tale
The mountains have always held mystery. From hidden gold to heinous murders, the Rockies have piqued interest for generations. Do the Beartooths hold secrets? Absolutely. One such mystery lives in the campground below Woodbine Falls.
One late June evening, two campers were cozied up next to their dwindling fire, a sleeping 60-pound dog between them, feet chasing imaginary rabbits through the air. Quiet time had long since started in the campground, and the squealing children of other campers were finally put to bed.
The couple was discussing dreams and aspirations, where they might end up, and what course their careers would take. The man was mid-sentence when...
A blood-curdling scream split the air.
Dead quiet followed, and the campers were stunned into silence. Moments passed, and then chaos erupted. Those who had gone to bed started emerging from their tents and trailers, braving the pitch-black woods to check on each campsite, verifying that everyone was doing fine.
Who screamed and why?
One forgotten summer day, Casey Dwight had lost her way while hiking in the Custer National Forest. Hours passed and shadows lengthened, day turning into night.
A moonless midnight loomed and Casey became anxious. She was lost, alone, and hungry with no sense of direction. Had she traveled south from the road or west? Was she getting closer or further away?
Picking her way through the brush, a twig cracked behind her. Followed by another twig. Then an entire branch. Something was out there. A human? A wild animal? Casey began to run blindly through the jet-black forest.
Unknown minutes passed, Casey sprinting directionless, branches tearing at her face and hair. Her breath began to hitch, her lungs burning. She didn't know how much longer she could flee, she needed oxygen, and her legs felt like they might collapse beneath her.
She couldn't hear anything behind her over the crashing of her own feet in the darkened, quiet woods. Casey began to slow, listening. Suddenly, she tripped and crashed into the forest floor.
A figure loomed over her in the dark and Casey screamed with all that was left in her.
It is said that campers can still hear her scream every June 29 as midnight draws near.
Believe what you will, as the scream's source was never revealed.
This is a work of fiction.
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Gallery Credit: Nick Northern
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